(1 Kọr 1:24)
(1 Cor. 1:24)
Sokpan ọ gha sẹ egbe iran ne Osanobua tiere, kevbe avbe Ju kevbe avbe iran nẹi re Ju, ẹmwẹ ikporhu na ọrọre Jesu, nọ re ẹtin kevbe ẹwaẹn Osanobua.
However, to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God.
(1 Kọr 2:6, 7)
(1 Cor. 2:6, 7)
Vbene ọ rhirhi gha ye hẹẹ, I vbe ye ẹmwẹ ne ọ dinmwi gu iran ni dido nẹ vbe ẹmwẹ emwi ni re ọghe orhiọn guan. Sokpan ẹi re ẹwaẹn ẹmwẹ agbọn na, ra ọghe avbe ẹtin ni rre ọdakha vbe agbọn na, avbe ẹtin iran ra fafaa.
Now we speak wisdom among those who are mature, but not the wisdom of this system of things* nor that of the rulers of this system of things, who are to come to nothing.
7 Ẹmwẹ ẹwaẹn ne I guan keghi re ẹmwẹ oro ẹwaẹn Osanobua, ne a rhie lẹre ne emwa ne agbọn, ne Osanobua mwamwaẹn, ne ọ ya mu uyi ye ima egbe, uhin vbe a te do yi agbọn na.
7 But we speak God’s wisdom in a sacred secret, the hidden wisdom, which God foreordained before the systems of things for our glory.

Or “this age.” See Glossary.

(1 Kọr 2:12, 13)
(1 Cor. 2:12, 13)
Ẹi re ekhọe agbọn na ọre a rhie ne ima, orhiọn nọhuranrẹn ẹre Osanobua rhie ne ima.
Now we received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit that is from God, so that we might know the things that have been kindly given us by God.
13 Rhunmwuda ọnii, ẹi re ẹmwẹ ẹwaẹn ne agbọn na ma emwa ẹre ọre ima ya guan, vbe ima a gha rhan otọ ẹmwata orhiọn ma iran ni mwẹ nene orhiọn.
13 These things we also speak, not with words taught by human wisdom, but with those taught by the spirit, as we explain* spiritual matters with spiritual words.

Or “combine.”

(1 Kọr 2:12)
(1 Cor. 2:12)
Ẹi re ekhọe agbọn na, ẹre a rhie ne ima, Orhiọn ne Osanobua rhie ne ima.
Now we received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit that is from God, so that we might know the things that have been kindly given us by God.
(1 Kọr 2:13, NW)
Ẹi re ẹwaẹn agbọn ma maa emwa re, sokpan, ẹmwata nọ dekaẹn orhiọn ẹre ima maa emwa re; ẹmwẹ orhiọn ẹre ima ya rhan otọ emwi nọ dekaẹn emwi orhiọn.
(1 Cor. 2:13)
These things we also speak, not with words taught by human wisdom, but with those taught by the spirit, as we explain* spiritual matters with spiritual words.

Or “combine.”

(1 Kọr 3:5-9)
(1 Cor. 3:5-9)
Adeghẹ erriọ nọ, gha ọre Pọl yi? Gha ọre Apọlọs? Eguọmwadia kẹkan ọghe Osanobua ọre ima khin, nọ ya uwa do yayi. Iwinna ne Osanobua wa ne dọmwade ọghẹe ẹre ọ winnaẹn.
What, then, is A·polʹlos? Yes, what is Paul? Ministers through whom you became believers, just as the Lord granted each one.
6 Mẹ kọ emwiokọ, Apọlọs keghi gbe amẹ khakhae. Sokpan Osanobua ẹre ọ ru ẹre nọ na zọọ.
6 I planted, A·polʹlos watered, but God kept making it grow,
7 Ke nọ kọe, kevbe nọ gbe amẹ khakhae, ẹi mobọ mwẹ esa, Osanobua ọrọre ne a kha, rhunmwuda irẹn ẹre ọ ru ẹre ne emwiokọ na zọọ.
7 so that neither is the one who plants anything nor is the one who waters, but God who makes it grow.
8 Alughaẹn ẹi rrọọ ne nọ kọe kevbe nọ gbe amẹ khakhae. Osanobua gha san dọmwade ọghẹe ẹse zẹvbe ne ọ winnaẹn.
8 Now the one who plants and the one who waters are one,* but each person will receive his own reward according to his own work.
9 Rhunmwuda otu ne ima gba winna ne Osanobua ma khin. Wa ọrọre ugbo Osanobua. Owa ne Osanobua bọe ẹre uwa khin.
9 For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field under cultivation, God’s building.

Or “have one purpose.”

(1 Kọr 3:6, 7)
(1 Kọr 3:6, 7)
(1 Cor. 3:6, 7)
Mẹ kọ emwiokọ, Apọlọs keghi gbe amẹ khakhae. Sokpan Osanobua ẹre ọ ru ẹre nọ na zọọ.
Mẹ kọ emwiokọ, Apọlọs keghi gbe amẹ khakhae. Sokpan Osanobua ọre ọ ru ẹre nọ na zọọ.
I planted, A·polʹlos watered, but God kept making it grow,
7 Ke nọ kọe, kevbe nọ gbe amẹ khakhae, ẹi mobọ mwẹ esa, Osanobua ọre ne a kha, rhunmwuda irẹn ọre ọ ru ẹre ne emwiokọ na zọọ.
7 Ke nọ kọe, kevbe nọ gbe amẹ khakhae ẹi mobọ mwẹ esa, Osanobua ọrọre ne a kha, rhunmwuda rẹn ọre ọ ru ẹre ne emwiokọ na zọọ.
7 so that neither is the one who plants anything nor is the one who waters, but God who makes it grow.
(1 Kọr 3:6)
(1 Cor. 3:6)
Mẹ kọ emwiokọ, Apọlọs keghi gbe amẹ khakhae. Sokpan Osanobua ọre ọ ru ẹre ne ọ na zọọ.
I planted, A·polʹlos watered, but God kept making it grow,
(1 Kọr 3:9, NW)
(1 Kọr 3:9, NW)
(1 Kọr 3:9, NW)
Emwa ni gu Osanobua winna ẹre ima khin. Wa ọre ugbo ọghe Osanobua, wa ọre owa ne Osanobua bọe.
Rhunmwuda, emwa ni gu Osanobua winna ẹre ima khin. Wa ọrọre ugbo Osanobua. Owa ne Osanobua bọe ọre uwa khin.
Rhunmwuda, emwa ni gu Osanobua winna ẹre ima khin. Wa ọrọre ugbo Osanobua. Owa ne Osanobua bọe ọre uwa khin.
(1 Kọr 3:9)
(1 Cor. 3:9)
Rhunmwuda otu ne ima gba winna ne Osanobua ma khin. Wa ọrọre ugbo Osanobua. Owa ne Osanobua bọe ọre uwa khin.
For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field under cultivation, God’s building.
(1 Kọr 4:6)
(1 Cor. 4:6)
Rhunmwuda uwa, etẹn mwẹ, ẹmwẹ Apọlọs kevbe egbe mwẹ ẹre I ta na. Te I ya egbe mwa ru igiemwi ne uwa miẹn ehe na rẹn emwi ne a ya ẹmwẹ na kha wẹẹ, “Wa gha ru vbene a yi re iyi.” Ọmwa rhọkpa vbe uwu uwa ghẹ gha ya ọmwa ọkpa ghagha, nọ gha zan ọmwa ọvbehe.
Now, brothers, these things I have applied* to myself and A·polʹlos for your good, that through us you may learn the rule: “Do not go beyond the things that are written,” so that you may not be puffed up with pride, favoring one against the other.

Or “transferred.”

(1 Kọr 5:9, 10)
(1 Cor. 5:9, 10)
Vbe ebe ne I ka gbẹn gie uwa, I tama uwa ne uwa ghẹ gha gu iran ni gbe alama mu obọ.
In my letter I wrote you to stop keeping company* with sexually immoral people,*
10 Ẹi re iran ni ma yayi, ni gbe alama, ra ni zuan ra ni gbe olighi, ra ni ga ẹbọ, ọre I kha. Wa gha wẹẹ ne uwa gha lẹ ne iran, ọnii rhie maan ighẹ te uwa ghi ra kpa hin agbọn na rre fẹẹrẹ.
10 not meaning entirely with the sexually immoral people* of this world or the greedy people or extortioners or idolaters. Otherwise, you would actually have to get out of the world.

Or “stop associating.”

See Glossary, “Sexual immorality.”

See Glossary, “Sexual immorality.”

(1 Kọr 6:9, 10)
(1 Cor. 6:9, 10)
Sokpan, wa rẹnrẹn ighẹ Arriọba Osanobua i ra sẹ emwa dan obọ. Wa ghẹ rẹrẹ egbe uwa: Avbe ni gbe alama, iran ni ga ẹbọ, iran ni ghẹẹ, ikpia ni tie ikpia ne ihua iran ovbe.
Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Do not be misled.* Those who are sexually immoral,* idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality,*
10. Iran ni rhaa, iran ni zuan, iran ni da ayọn gbe egbe, iran ni ta ẹrrẹe ọtakhọ, ra iran ni gbe olighi, ne Arriọba Osanobua gha sẹ ọre obọ, ẹi rrọọ.
10 thieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers,* and extortioners will not inherit God’s Kingdom.

Or “deceived.”

See Glossary, “Sexual immorality.”

Or “men who have sex with men.” Lit., “men who lie with men.”

Or “the verbally abusive.”

(1 Kọr 6:9-11)
(1 Cor. 6:9-11)
Sokpan, wa rẹnrẹn ighẹ Arriọba Osanobua i ra sẹ emwa dan obọ. Wa ghẹ rẹrẹ egbe uwa: Avbe ni gbe alama, iran ni ga ẹbọ, iran ni ghẹẹ, ikpia ni tie ikpia ne ihua iran ovbe.
Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Do not be misled.* Those who are sexually immoral,* idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality,*
10 Iran ni rhaa, iran ni zuan, iran ni da ayọn gbe egbe, iran ni ta ẹrrẹe ọtakhọ, ra iran ni gbe olighi, ne Arriọba Osanobua gha sẹ ọre obọ, ẹ i rrọọ.
10 thieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers,* and extortioners will not inherit God’s Kingdom.
11 Erriọ eso vbe uwu uwa te ye, sokpan, akhuẹ uwa hin orukhọ rre nẹ, a ya uwa fi ohan ne Osanobua nẹ, a dọlọ uwa kugbe ba Osanobua vbekpa eni Jesu Kristi Nọyaẹnmwa kevbe vbekpa Orhiọn Osanobua mwa.
11 And yet that is what some of you were. But you have been washed clean; you have been sanctified; you have been declared righteous in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God.

Or “deceived.”

See Glossary, “Sexual immorality.”

Or “men who have sex with men.” Lit., “men who lie with men.”

Or “the verbally abusive.”

(1 Kọr 6:9)
(1 Cor. 6:9)
Sokpan, wa rẹnrẹn ighẹ Arriọba Osanobua i ra sẹ emwa dan obọ. Wa ghẹ rẹrẹ egbe uwa: Avbe ni gbe alama, iran ni ga ẹbọ, iran ni ghẹẹ, ikpia ni tie ikpia ne ihua iran vbe ovbe.
Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Do not be misled.* Those who are sexually immoral,* idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality,*

Or “deceived.”

See Glossary, “Sexual immorality.”

Or “men who have sex with men.” Lit., “men who lie with men.”

(1 Kọr 6:11)
(1 Cor. 6:11)
Erriọ eso vbuwe uwa te ye, sokpan, a khuẹ uwa hin orukhọ rre nẹ, a ya uwa fi ohan ne Osanobua nẹ, a dọlọ uwa kugbe ba Osanobua vbe ekpa eni Jesu Kristi Nọyaẹnmwa kevbe vbe ekpa Orhiọn Osanobua mwa.
And yet that is what some of you were. But you have been washed clean; you have been sanctified; you have been declared righteous in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God.
(1 Kọr 6:18, 19)
(1 Cor. 6:18, 19)
Wa gha lẹẹ ne oghẹ, orukhọ ke orukhọ ọvbehe ne ọmwa a rhirhi ru, ẹi mwẹ emwi ne ọ ru ikinnegbe re, sokpan ọmwa ne ọ ru oghẹ, ikinnegbe ẹre ọre ọ ru khọ.
Flee from sexual immorality!* Every other sin that a man may commit is outside his body, but whoever practices sexual immorality is sinning against his own body.
19 Wa ma rẹn ighẹ owa orhiọn nọhuanrẹn ẹre egbe uwa khin, orhiọn nọhuanrẹn ne Osanobua rhie ne uwa, nọ rre uwu uwa? Wa i ghi re ọghe egbe uwa, ọghe Osanobua ọre uwa khin.
19 Do you not know that your body is the temple of the holy spirit within you, which you have from God? Also, you do not belong to yourselves,

Greek, por·neiʹa. See Glossary.

(1 Kọr 7:3)
(1 Cor. 7:3)
Ọ kere ne okpia gha ru emwi ọdọ kevbe ne okhuo vbe gha ru emwi amwẹ, ne iran gba gha ru ne egbe vbene iran gha na sẹ egbe ọkẹn.
Let the husband give to his wife her due, and let the wife also do likewise to her husband.
(1 Kọr 7:5)
(1 Cor. 7:5)
Wa ghẹ gha ya emwi hin egbe unu, sokpan a ma wẹẹ, wa gba tae nẹ wẹẹ ne uwa ru vberriọ la omwa ẹghẹ eso, ne uwa miẹn ehe na na erhunmwu, sokpan wa ghi vbe dọlegbe suẹn gha ru emwi ọdọ vbe amwẹ, ne a ghẹ gie nẹi sẹtin zinegbe ya de ye edanmwẹ e Setan.
Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent for an appointed time, so that you may devote time to prayer and may come together again, in order that Satan may not keep tempting you for your lack of self-control.
(1 Kọr 7:10)
(1 Kọr 7:10)
(1 Cor. 7:10)
Ọghe iran ni rọnmwẹ ọdọ, emwi ne I tama iran, ẹi re imẹ ẹre ọ ta ẹre sokpan ẹmwẹ Nọyaẹnmwa nọ, wẹẹ ne okhuo nọ rre owa ọdọ ghẹ kpa sẹ ọdọ ẹre rae.
Ọghe iran ni rọnmwẹ ọdọ, emwi ne I tama iran, ẹi re imẹ ẹre ọ tae sokpan ẹmwẹ Nọyaẹnmwa nọ, wẹẹ ne okhuo nọ rre owa ọdọ ghẹ kpa sẹ ọdọ ẹre rae.
To the married people I give instructions, not I but the Lord, that a wife should not separate from her husband.
(1 Kọr 7:11, NW)
sokpan deghẹ ọ na ghi kpa sẹ ọdafẹn ọnrẹn rae, wẹẹ nẹ ghẹ rọnmwẹ ọdọ ọvbehe, ra ọ ghi ya gu ọdafẹn ọnrẹn ru adọlọ; ọ ma khẹke ne ọdọ khu amwẹ ọnrẹn.
(1 Cor. 7:11)
But if she does separate, let her remain unmarried or else be reconciled with her husband; and a husband should not leave his wife.
(1 Kọr 7:12, 13)
(1 Cor. 7:12, 13)
Ne emwa ni dekẹe, emwi ne I tama iran (ẹmwẹ obọmwẹ nọ, ẹi re ọghe Nọyaẹnmwa): ọrọre wẹẹ, adeghẹ okpia ne ọ yayi mwẹ okhuo ne ọ ma yayi, ighẹ okhuo ni na kue yọ ne iran gba gha rrọọ, wẹẹ ne ọ ghẹ khuẹ re.
But to the others I say, yes, I, not the Lord: If any brother has an unbelieving wife and she is agreeable to staying with him, let him not leave her;
13 Debare, adeghẹ okhuo nọ yayi rọnmwẹ ọdọ nọ ma yayi, ighẹ okpia nii kue ne iran gba gha rrọọ, wẹẹ ne okhuo nii ghẹ sẹ ọre rae.
13 and if a woman has an unbelieving husband and he is agreeable to staying with her, let her not leave her husband.
(1 Kọr 7:14)
(1 Kọr 7:14)
(1 Cor. 7:14)
Rhunmwuda ọdọ ne ọ ma yayi ni ghi do gha re ne Osanobua rhan obọ miẹn rhunmwuda ne a na ku ẹre kugbe ba amwẹ ọnrẹn, amwẹ ne ọ ma yayi ni ghi vbe do gha re ne Osanobua sẹtin rhan obọ miẹn rhunmwuda ne a na ku ẹre gbe ba ọdọ ne ọ yayi. Akpawẹ ẹi ye vberriọ, te ivbi iran ghẹ gha ye vbe ivbi enọ ma yayi, sokpan vbene ọ ghi ye na, iran khian ne Osanobua sẹtin rhan obọ miẹn.
Rhunmwuda, ọdọ ne ọ ma yayi ni ghi do gha re ne Osanobua rhan obọ miẹn rhunmwuda ne a na ku ẹre kugbe ba amwẹ ọnrẹn, amwẹ ne ọ ma yayi ni ghi vbe do gha re ne Osanobua sẹtin rhan obọ miẹn rhunmwuda ne a na ku ẹre gbe ba ọdọ nọ yayi. Akpawẹ ẹi ye vberriọ, te ivbi iran ghẹ gha ye vbe ivbi enọ ma yayi, sokpan vbene ọ ghi ye na, iran khian ne Osanobua sẹtin rhan obọ miẹn.
For the unbelieving husband is sanctified in relation to his wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified in relation to the brother; otherwise, your children would be unclean, but now they are holy.
(1 Kọr 7:15, NW)
Sokpan, adeghẹ nọ ma yayi hoo nọ sẹ nọ yayi rae, giẹ ru vberriọ. Ọ gha ye vberriọ, ọtẹn nokpia ra ọtẹn nokhuo sẹtin zẹ emwi nọ gha ru vbọ, rhunmwuda te Osanobua tie uwa ne uwa gha rrọọ vbe ọfunmwegbe.
(1 Cor. 7:15)
But if the unbelieving one chooses to depart,* let him depart; a brother or a sister is not bound under such circumstances, but God has called you to peace.

Or “separate.”

(1 Kọrinti 7:16)
(1 Cor. 7:16)
Vbe uwẹ a ya rẹn hẹ yi, wẹ ne amwẹ ne ọ yayi, ighẹ ui ra sẹtin miẹn ọdafọn fan? Ra wẹ ne ọdọ ne ọ yayi, vbe uwẹ ya rẹn hẹ ighẹ uwẹ i ra sẹtin miẹn amwọn fan?
For wife, how do you know whether you will save your husband? Or, husband, how do you know whether you will save your wife?
(1 Kọr 7:32-35)
(1 Cor. 7:32-35)
I gha wẹẹ ne uwa kannọ ohawa obọ hin egbe rre. Okpia ne ọ rre ọhae, ifi iwinna Nọyaẹnmwa ọre ọ muẹn, rhunmwuda, ọ hia ne ọ ru ne ọ yẹẹ Nọyaẹnmwa.
Indeed, I want you to be free from anxiety. The unmarried man is anxious for the things of the Lord, how he may gain the Lord’s approval.
33 Sokpan ifi emwi agbọn na ọre ọ mu ne ọ mwẹ amwẹ, rhunmwuda te ọ hia ne ọ ru ne ọ yẹ amwẹ ọnrẹn.
33 But the married man is anxious for the things of the world, how he may gain the approval of his wife,
34 Rhunmwuda te a ghi si ẹre vbe obọ eva. Okhuo ne ọ ma rọnmwẹ ọdọ ra uvbi ne ọ ma rẹn okpia, ẹmwẹ iwinna Nọyaẹnmwa ọre ọ muẹn, rhunmwuda irẹn hoo ne ọ gha re ne ọ ya egbe kevbe orhiọn ga, sokpan okhuo ne ọ mwẹ ọdọ, ifi ẹmwẹ agbọn na ọre ọ muẹn, rhunmwuda, ọ hoo ne ọ ru ne ọ yẹẹ ọdọ ẹre.
34 and he is divided. Further, the unmarried woman, as well as the virgin, is anxious for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in her body and in her spirit. However, the married woman is anxious for the things of the world, how she may gain the approval of her husband.
35 I ta ẹmwẹ na rhunmwuda, te I hoo ne I ye uwa obọ. Ẹi re te I hoo ne I tama uwa ehe ne uwa gha khian sẹ. Sokpan te I hoo ne uwa gha ru vbene ọ kere kevbe vbene ọ hẹnhẹn, kevbe ne uwa miẹn ehe na mu egbe ye ẹmwẹ iwinna Nọyaẹnmwa vbene ai na vbe si obọ zẹ.
35 But I am saying this for your personal advantage, not to restrict* you, but to move you to what is appropriate and to constant devotion to the Lord without distraction.

Lit., “to cast a noose upon.”

(1 Kọr 7:39)
(1 Cor. 7:39)
Okhuo ne ọ rre owa ọdọ, ẹi ghi re ne ọ yan egbe ẹre ugbẹn vbe ọdọ ẹre rre agbọn. Sokpan adeghẹ ọdọ ẹre wu, ọ sẹtin rọnmwẹ okpia ọvbehe ne ọ yẹẹ ọre. Sokpan, ne ọ ghẹ mwẹ ọ ma gha re orọnmwẹ iyayi.
A wife is bound as long as her husband is alive. But if her husband should fall asleep in death, she is free to be married to whomever she wants, only in the Lord.
(1 Kọr 8:1)
(1 Cor. 8:1)
Vbe ekpa emwi ne a ya ru ẹbọ: Ẹmwata nọ wẹẹ, “ma hia ẹre ọ rẹn emwi,” zẹ vbe ne itan kha re. Sokpan egbe irẹnmwi vberriọ, uhiomwẹ ẹre ọ si ye ọmwa egbe, sokpan ahoẹmwọmwa ẹre ọ de ọmwa igiẹ.
Now concerning food offered to idols: We know we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.
(1 Kọr 8:3)
(1 Cor. 8:3)
Sokpan ọmwa ne ọ hoẹmwẹ Osanobua, Osanobua rẹn ọnrẹn.
But if anyone loves God, this one is known by him.
(1 Kọr 9:19-23)
(1 Kọr 9:19-23)
(1 Cor. 9:19-23)
Egbe mwẹ ẹre I gue, I i re ọviẹn ọmwa rhọkpa. Sokpan I ya egbe mwẹ khian ọviẹn agbọn hia, ne I miẹn ehe na silo inu ne obọ mwẹ vbare hia ba egbe.
Egbe mwẹ ọre I gue, I i re ọviẹn ọmwarhọkpa. Sokpan I ya egbe mwẹ khian ọviẹn agbọn hia ne I miẹn ehe na silo inu ne obọ mwẹ vbare hia ba egbe.
For though I am free from all people, I have made myself the slave to all, so that I may gain as many people as possible.
20 I gha miẹn avbe Ju, I ghi gha ru vbe Ju, ne I miẹn ehe na silo iran ba egbe. Agharhiemiẹn wẹẹ imẹ i rre ototọ Uhi e Mosis. I gha miẹn iran ni rrọọ, I ghi gha ru vbe ne a miẹn wẹẹ, ototọ ẹre imẹ ye, ne I miẹn ehe na silo iran ba egbe.
20. I gha miẹn avbe Ju, I ghi gha ru vbe Ju, ne I miẹn ehe na silo iran ba egbe. A gha rhie miẹn wẹ mẹ i rre ototọ Uhi e Mosis. I gha miẹn iran ni rrọọ, I ghi gha ru vbe ne a miẹn wẹ, ototọ ẹre mẹ ye, ne I miẹn ehe na silo iran ba egbe.
20 To the Jews I became as a Jew in order to gain Jews; to those under law I became as under law, though I myself am not under law, in order to gain those under law.
21. Erriọ vbe nọ, I gha miẹn iran ne ẹi re Ju, I ghi gha ru vbe ọmwa ne ẹi re Ju, ne ẹi vbe rre ototọ Uhi avbe Ju, ne I miẹn ehe na silo iran ne ẹi re Ju ba egbe, rhunmwuda vbe ẹmwata, ototọ uhi Kristi ọre imẹ ye.
21 Erriọ vbe nọ, I gha miẹn iran nẹi re Ju, I ghi gha ru vbe ọmwa nẹi re Ju, nẹi vbe rre ototọ Uhi avbe Ju, ne I miẹn ehe na silo iran nẹi re Ju ba egbe, rhunmwuda vbe ẹmwata, ototọ uhi Kristi ẹre imẹ ye.
21 To those without law I became as without law, although I am not without law toward God but under law toward Christ, in order to gain those without law.
22. I gha miẹn iran ne iyayi ẹre ma wo vbe egbe, mẹ ghi vbe gha re ne ọ ma wo vbe egbe zẹ vbene iran ye, ne I miẹn ehe na silo iran ba egbe. Rhunmwuda ọnii, te I ghi ye egbe khian emwi hia ne emwa hia, ne I sẹtin la odẹkodẹ miẹn emwa eso fan.
22 I gha miẹn iran ne iyayi ẹre ma wo vbe egbe, mẹ ghi vbe gha re nọ ma wo vbe egbe zẹ vbene iran ye, ne I miẹn ehe na silo iran ba egbe. Rhunmwuda ọni, te I ghi ye egbe khian emwi hia ne emwa hia, ne I sẹtin la odẹ ke odẹ miẹn emwa eso fan.
22 To the weak I became weak, in order to gain the weak. I have become all things to people of all sorts, so that I might by all possible means save some.
23. Rhunmwuda iyẹn ne ọ maan ọre I na ru avbe emwi na hia, ne a miẹn ehe na ghae sẹ mwẹ obọ vbe afiangbe ne ọ rrọọ.
23 Rhunmwuda iyẹn nọ maan, ẹre I na ru avbe emwi na hia, ne a miẹn ehe na ghae sẹ mwẹ obọ vbe afiangbe nọ rrọọ.
23 But I do all things for the sake of the good news, in order to share it with others.
(1 Kọr 9:19)
(1 Cor. 9:19)
Egbe mwẹ ọre I gue, I i re ọviẹn ọmwa rhọkpa. Sokpan I ya egbe mwẹ khian ọviẹn agbọn hia ne I miẹn ehe na silo inu ne obọ mwẹ vba re hia ba egbe.
For though I am free from all people, I have made myself the slave to all, so that I may gain as many people as possible.
(1 Kọr 9:20-23)
(1 Cor. 9:20-23)
I gha miẹn avbe Ju, I ghi gha ru vbe Ju, ne I miẹn ehe na silo iran ba egbe. Agharhiemiẹn wẹẹ imẹ i rre ototọ Uhi e Mosis, I gha miẹn iran ni rrọọ, I ghi gha ru vbe ne a miẹn wẹẹ, ototọ ẹre imẹ ye, ne I miẹn ehe na silo iran ba egbe.
To the Jews I became as a Jew in order to gain Jews; to those under law I became as under law, though I myself am not under law, in order to gain those under law.
21 Erriọ vbe nọ, I gha miẹn iran nẹi re Ju, I ghi gha ru vbe ọmwa nẹi re Ju, nẹi vbe rre ototọ Uhi avbe Ju, ne I miẹn ehe na silo iran nẹi re Ju ba egbe, rhunmwuda, vbe ẹmwata, ototọ uhi Kristi ẹre imẹ ye.
21 To those without law I became as without law, although I am not without law toward God but under law toward Christ, in order to gain those without law.
22 I gha miẹn iran ne iyayi ẹre ma wo vbe egbe, mẹ ghi vbe gha re nọ ma wo vbe egbe zẹ vbene iran ye, ne I miẹn ehe na silo iran ba egbe. Rhunmwuda ọni, te I ghi ye egbe khian emwi hia ne emwa hia, ne I sẹtin la odẹ ke odẹ miẹn emwa eso fan.
22 To the weak I became weak, in order to gain the weak. I have become all things to people of all sorts, so that I might by all possible means save some.
23 Rhunmwuda iyẹn nọ maan, ẹre I na ru avbe emwi na hia, ne a miẹn ehe na ghae sẹ mwẹ obọ vbe afiangbe nọ rrọọ.
23 But I do all things for the sake of the good news, in order to share it with others.
(1 Kọr 9:23)
(1 Kọr 9:23)
(1 Cor. 9:23)
Rhunmwuda iyẹn ne ọ maan ọre I na ru avbe emwi na hia, ne a miẹn ehe na ghae sẹ mwẹ obọ vbe afiangbe ne ọ rrọọ.
Rhunmwuda iyẹn nọ maan ọre I na ru avbe emwi na hia, ne a miẹn ehe na ghae sẹ mwẹ obọ vbe afiangbe ne ọ rrọọ.
But I do all things for the sake of the good news, in order to share it with others.
(1 Kọr 10:1-5)
(1 Cor. 10:1-5)
Ẹtẹn mwẹ, I ho ne I ye uwa emwi ne ọ sunu vbe egbe avbe erha mwa odede ni lele Mosis khian rre. Okuku mu aghọnghọn gue iran, iran keghi vbe fian Okun Ne Ọ Baa rraa hẹnnẹdẹn
Now I want you to know, brothers, that our forefathers were all under the cloud and all passed through the sea
2 A keghi sa amẹ ne iran hia vbe uwu okuku kevbe uwu olokun zẹ vbe emwa ni lele Mosis khian.
2 and all got baptized into Moses by means of the cloud and of the sea,
3 Iran rri evbare orhiọn ọkpa nii.
3 and all ate the same spiritual food
4 Iran hia keghi vbe wọn amẹ orhiọn ọkpa nii, rhunmwuda, uwu okuta orhiọn nii ne ọ lele iran gha khian, ọre iran hia na wọn, okuta nii keghi re Kristi tobọ ẹre.
4 and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they used to drink from the spiritual rock that followed them, and that rock meant* the Christ.
5 Uhin ighẹ ọ rhe ye rriọ, ẹko iran hia ma rhiẹnrhiẹn Osanobua rhunmwuda ọnii ọ keghi zagha ikun iran lele uwu ato hia.
5 Nevertheless, God was not pleased with most of them, for they were struck down in the wilderness.

Or “was.”

(1 Kọr 10:12)
(1 Kọr 10:12)
(1 Kọr 10:12)
(1 Cor. 10:12)
Ọmwa ne ọ ro ighẹ irẹn mudia nẹ, ọ mwẹ ẹwaẹn ne ọ ghẹ ya de.
Ọmwa ne ọ ro ighẹ irẹn mudia nẹ, ọ mwẹ ẹwaẹn ne ọ ghẹ ya de.
Ọmwa nọ roro ighẹ irẹn mudia nẹ, ọ mwẹ ẹwaẹn nẹ ghẹ ya de
So let the one who thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall.
(1 Kọr 10:13)
(1 Cor. 10:13)
Edanmwẹ ne uwa he miẹn hia, egbe ne emwa ọvbehe hia vbe miẹn nọ. Rhunmwuda, Osanobua gha yan, te ọ muẹn sẹ, ẹi ra kue ne a danmwẹ uwa ghe gberra vbene ẹtin uwa sẹe, sokpan ẹghẹ ne a na danmwẹ uwa ghe nii, ọ gha rhie ẹtin ne uwa ya ya egbe miẹn ẹnrẹn, ne uwa miẹn ehe na sẹtin do ẹre fe.
No temptation has come upon you except what is common to men. But God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make the way out so that you may be able to endure it.
(1 Kọr 10:16, 17)
(1 Cor. 10:16, 17)
Ukpu afiangbe ne ima kpọnmwẹ Osanobua yi, ma gha wọn vbọ, ẹi re esagiẹn e Kristi ẹre ima na wọn? Ebrẹd ne ima giagia, ma gha rri ọre, ẹi re efun egbe Jesu ma na re?
The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a sharing in the blood of the Christ? The loaf that we break, is it not a sharing in the body of the Christ?
17 Rhunmwuda ighẹ ebrẹd ọkpa nọ, ma hia gha rhe gha bun, egbe ọkpa ma khin, rhunmwuda ebrẹd ọkpa ma na re.
17 Because there is one loaf, we, although many, are one body, for we are all partaking of that one loaf.
(1 Kọr 10:20)
(1 Cor. 10:20)
Hiehiere. Emwi ne I kha ọrọre wẹẹ, emwi ne a ya zọ ese vbe aro ẹbọ, Esu ọre a yae ru na ighẹ ẹi re Osanobua. Mẹ ma hoo ne uwa gu Esu gha mu obọ.
No; but I say that what the nations sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons and not to God; and I do not want you to become sharers with the demons.
(1 Kọr 10:23)
(1 Cor. 10:23)
Iran khare wẹẹ, “Ma sẹtin ru emwi ne ọ rhirhi khọn mwa.” Ẹmwata nọ, sokpan ẹi re emwi hia ọre ọ ke re. “Ma sẹtin ru emwi ne ọ rhirhi khọn mwa,” sokpan ẹi re emwi hia ẹre ọ mwẹ iyobọ ne ọmwa.
All things are lawful,* but not all things are advantageous. All things are lawful, but not all things build up.

Or “permissible.”

(1 Kọr 10:24)
(1 Cor. 10:24)
Ọ ma kei ne ọmwa wa gha rẹn ọghe enegbe ẹre ọkpa, ọ kere nọ vbe gha rẹn ọghe emwa ọvbehe.
Let each one keep seeking, not his own advantage, but that of the other person.
(1 Kọr 10:29)
(1 Cor. 10:29)
Ẹi re ose ekhọe ọghuẹ ẹre I kha, sokpan ọghe ọmwa nii. Ọmwa ọkpa sẹtin kha wẹẹ, “Vbọzẹe ne ekhọe ọmwa ọvbehe gha na mu idobo yọ mwẹ egbe vbe emwi ne I ru yi?
I do not mean your own conscience, but that of the other person. For why should my freedom be judged by another person’s conscience?
(1 Kọr 10:31)
(1 Kọr 10:31)
(1 Cor. 10:31)
Vbene ọ rhirhi gha ye hẹ, ne uwẹ a rhirhi ru vbọ, te u re nọ re ra te u re nọ da, gha ru ehia ne uyi Osanobua.
Vbene ọ rhirhi gha ye hẹ, ne uwẹ a rhirhi ru vbọ, te u re nọ re, ra te u re nọ da, gha ru ehia ne uyi Osanobua.
Therefore, whether you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God’s glory.
(1 Kọr 10:32, NW)
Ghẹ gha rhua emwa ọvbehe owẹ, ọre Ovbi e Ju nọ, ra Ovbi e Grik ra iko ọghe Osanobua.
(1 Cor. 10:32)
Keep from becoming causes for stumbling to Jews as well as Greeks and to the congregation of God,
(1 Kọr 11:1)
(1 Cor. 11:1)
Rhunmwuda ọni, wa gha ru emwi khọ mwẹ zẹ vbene imẹ ru emwi khọ e Kristi.
Become imitators of me, just as I am of Christ.
(1 Kọr 11:23-25)
(1 Cor. 11:23-25)
Rhunmwuda, obọ e Nọyaẹnmwa ọre I na miẹn emwi ne I maa uwa re wẹẹ, e Nọyaẹnmwa Jesu, vbe asọn ne a rhiẹre ma, ọ rhie ebrẹd.
For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night on which he was going to be betrayed took a loaf,
24 Ọ kpọnmwẹ Osanobua, ọ fiaẹn, ọ keghi kha wẹẹ, Ọnọna ọrọre egbe mwẹ. Wa gha ru ọna ya ye mwẹ rre.
24 and after giving thanks, he broke it and said: “This means my body, which is in your behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me.”
25 Erriọ vbe nọ zẹẹ, vbe iyeke evbare ota, ọ rhie ukpu, ọ keghi wẹẹ, Ukpu na ọrọre ile ọgbọn ọghe Osanobua ne a ya esagiẹn mwẹ yi ẹre okhi. Ẹghẹikẹghẹ ne uwa a rhirhi ya wọn ọnrẹn, wa gha ru ẹre ya ye mwẹ rre.”
25 He did the same with the cup also, after they had the evening meal, saying: “This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood. Keep doing this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.”
(1 Kọr 11:26, NW)
Ẹghẹ ke ẹghẹ ne uwa rhirhi ya rri ebrẹd na, wa na vbe wọn vbe ukpu na, wa gha ya uwu Enọyaẹnmwa wewe rhinrin ọ ke ya rre.
(1 Kọr 11:26)
(1 Cor. 11:26)
Rhunmwuda ẹghẹ ke ẹghẹ ne uwa a rhirhi ya rri ebrẹd na, wa na vbe wọn vbe ukpu na rhinrin Nọyaẹnmwa te do rre, uwu ẹre, ọre uwa rhie wewe.
For whenever you eat this loaf and drink this cup, you keep proclaiming the death of the Lord, until he comes.
(1 Kọr 13:11)
(1 Cor. 13:11)
Ẹghẹ ne I na gha re ọvbokhan, ẹmwẹ ne unu mwẹ, obọ nọ zẹ mwẹ kevbe iro ne I roro keghi vbe gha re ọghe ọvbokhan, sokpan, ugbẹnvbe I ghi khian ẹghele nẹ nian, I i ghi ru emwi ọvbokhan ọvbehe.
When I was a child, I used to speak as a child, to think as a child, to reason as a child; but now that I have become a man, I have done away with the traits of a child.
(1 Kọr 14:3)
(1 Cor. 14:3)
Sokpan, ọmwa ne ọ kporhu Osanobua, emwa ne agbọn ọre ọ gu guan, ọ ghi gha rhie iyobọ, igiọdu kevbe ifuẹko ne iran.
However, the one who prophesies builds up and encourages and consoles men by his speech.
(1 Kọr 14:20)
(1 Cor. 14:20)
Wa ghẹ gha yevbe ibiẹka vbe emwi ne uwa roro etẹn mwẹ, wa gha re ibiẹka vbe emwi dan ne a ru sokpan eniwanrẹn vbe iro ne a roro.
Brothers, do not become young children in your understanding, but be young children as to badness; and become full-grown in your understanding.
(1 Kọr 14:25)
(1 Cor. 14:25)
Iro ẹkhokho nọ zẹ vbe ekhọe ghi khian ne a rhie ladian azagba, ọ ghi vbe rre ye uhunmwu rhanmwa otọ ne Osanobua, ọ ghi miẹn kue wẹẹ, “Vbe ẹmwata, Osanobua gu uwa rre emwa na.”
The secrets of his heart then become evident, so that he will fall facedown and worship God, declaring: “God is really among you.”
(1 Kọr 15:12)
(1 Cor. 15:12)
Banbanna nian, ugbẹn vbe a miẹn wẹ emwi ne ima kpe orhu ẹre ma uwa ọrọre wẹ, a huẹn Jesu kpaegbe vbe idin nẹ, vbe eso vbe uwu uwa a ghi na vbe kha hẹ wẹ, ai ra huẹn avbe orinmwi kpaegbe?
Now if it is being preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how is it that some among you say there is no resurrection of the dead?
(1 Kọr 15:32, 33)
(1 Cor. 15:32, 33)
Adeghẹ, vbene ọ ye nii, ighẹ mẹ gu avbe aranmwẹ oha, gbinna vbe Ẹfisọs ba ẹmwẹ emwi agbọn na kẹkan, de ere ne ọ rrọọ mẹ? Adeghẹ ai gele huẹn eniwulo nẹ kpa vbe idin, vbene emwa tae khian nii, Wa gie a gha re ne a gha da, rhunmwuda, akhuẹ ma ra wulo.
If like other men,* I have fought with wild beasts at Ephʹe·sus, of what good is it to me? If the dead are not to be raised up, “let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we are to die.”
33 Wa ghẹ gie emwa do uwa ọzuọ. Otu dan ọre ọ mu uyinmwẹ esi rhia.
33 Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits.*

Or possibly, “from a human viewpoint.”

Or “corrupt good morals.”

(1 Kọr 15:33)
(1 Kọr 15:33)
(1 Cor. 15:33)
Wa ghẹ gie emwa do uwa ọzuọ. “Otu dan ẹre ọ mu uyinmwẹ esi rhia.”
Wa ghẹ gie emwa do uwa ọzuọ. Otu dan ọre ọ mu uyinmwẹ esi rhia.
Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits.*

Or “corrupt good morals.”

(1 Kọr 15:58)
(1 Cor. 15:58)
Rhunmwuda ọnii nian, wa ne etẹn mwẹ, wa mudia gbain vbe ne ai na vbọ owẹ. Wa tua obọ ye iwinna ne uwa winna ne Nọyaẹnmwa, ugbẹn vbe uwa rẹn nẹ nian wẹẹ, iwinna ne uwa winna vbe uwu ugamwẹ Nọyaẹnmwa, ọkpa ne ẹi mwẹ esa, ẹi rrọọ.
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always having plenty to do in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in connection with the Lord.